The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe. It decrees that everything moves,
nothing rests, we literally live in an ocean of motion.” ‘Vibration’ is a fancy way of describing
your overall state of being. Everything in the universe, all of nature, is made up of energy
vibrating at different frequencies.

You live in a physical world. The current state of chaos may leave you feeling powerless to
change your circumstances. Therefore, it is crucial that you reconnect with yourself and your
innate vibrations.

Turn on your TV or radio, interact with others or just observe, the world is presenting you with a
choice. You can accept the toxic dialogue, or you can choose to empower yourself with
knowledge and tools to honor your being. When you consciously create your reality, your good
vibrations will resonate with others and enhance the collective spirit.

Make it about vibration. Pay attention to how you feel and if you don’t feel good then choose to
think about what ever makes you feel great until you become the vibrational equivalent of your
desires. This takes work. There is no magic button. Focus on connecting with and honoring the
powerful being that is you. It will transform you.

I am not suggesting that it is easy to disengage from popular opinions, but it is helpful to realize
that when you are in a reactive state, you are vibrationally out of balance.

Fear can erode your spirit. Choose to wake up with renewed faith in your innate ability to heal
and to transform. Provide a service to those in need. It is most rewarding.

Look for clarity. What is it that you want? Write it down. Feel what it would feel like to be in that
state. Give it a name if you can. Give that name a physical reminder such as placing your hand
over your heart as you repeat the word and feel the feeling. This is an easy process to change
your belief pattern. Understand that you have a choice, and you, and only you, control your

It takes conscious effort to choose a shift in mindset. Embrace the opportunity that is presenting
right now by focusing on your faith to empower your personal state and we will all evolve to a
healthy new world.

I am here for you to share your thoughts or concerns and to introduce you to tools,
technologies, products, and methods to support you on your personal journey.

Educate. Empower. Evolve.